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They are great story boarding, and a great storyline. It really goes to show that art doesn't matter and that the storyboard is the best, along with the mortal of the story.


Aug 23, 2022, 6:08 PM



This came together so well and was such a great story. Everything was so good! And I really liked the lesson at the end of the story. It is a strong message and an important one.


Aug 21, 2022, 11:59 PM



I love the story, I feel like its very relatable growing up. The visuals really go along with your story and I love your narration. I do agree that you could rework some dialogue like the way you narrate things. You are good at speeding up to show excitement but there are some times where you do need to slow down or at least give a pause to let your words stick with people and let them think about it. The music really fits and the lesson is a strong one. I think you did an amazing job.


Aug 20, 2022, 11:15 PM



Amani is an excellent character, who I adore! I relate to her strongly, as I also want to be a superhero! I don't have powers though, so this helped me realized that I do not need the powers of flight or telekinesis to do good! This is great! One suggestion though, would be too rework some of the dialogue, to make the sentences more impactful. You guys should do this even after the program ends. This story is great! Again... Great job!


Aug 20, 2022, 6:29 PM

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See this little girl? Yeah, her- that’s Amani! As you can see, she absolutely ADORES superhero books.

Sometimes, she even likes to imagine what it would be like to be a superhero herself.

If Amani was a superhero, she’d end local poverty entirely with her generosity!

She’d also be SUPER strong—strong enough to stop cars.

But, Amani’s imaginations are often interrupted by reality.

See this right here? A little girl with quite the eye. Here she is at dinner, noticing something’s not quite right with her brother’s milk.

And there she goes—stopping the spoiled milk from being consumed.

I’ll admit though, Amani wishes it was so much cooler. That’s because in Amani’s superhero imagination, she’d be saving them from drinking the evilest of all poisons!

She’d be a hero— a SUPER hero).

And in order to become one, she knows that she’d have to get super strength.

Look at Amani, stuffing her face with every vitamin in the book!

Even her mom’s impressed!

It’s not just about physical strength either—Amani yearns for a stronger mind.

That’s why, as you can see, she’s raiding the library.

..And studying only the utmost elite texts she can find.

But the importance of fighting isn’t to be forgotten!

Which is why Amani is practicing her skills in the garage—it’s a great way to start off, right?

Y’know, just in case a goon gets in her way!

But what REALLY makes a hero is the ability to fly!

Using her new strength, Amani’s ready for the playground top!

This is it—just what Amani wishes for! It’s beautiful! Clouds in the sky, beautiful birds flying by! And- and-

Uh, okay, so—

Maybe Amani shouldn’t have done that…

Here we are. Poor Amani, waking up in the hospital with broken bones..

And her mom’s not too happy either—are we surprised?

Yeah… this is a problem.

But this is THE moment— one that would change her perspective entirely..

I love moments like these. Amani’s mother giving her the best advice— this time about what truly makes a superhero. It’s not the cape or the mask or anything, it’s just the heart. And helping people in her community IS being a superhero.

And her mother’s right! Amani has decided to put a pause on the old cape and goggles— take a more humbling and helpful approach to doing good!

.. Ready for another big moment? Look at Amani cleaning the messy garage and trying to do good. Look what it’s leading her to?

.. finding a book full of inspirational people, just like her. No capes, no flying. Just influential, powerful, real world people that Amani can REALLY learn from.

And this is all that Amani needs.

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:

The Wilderness Explorers (Tariq and Jamila)

Tariq, Jamila


Amani's Adventure

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