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A boy named Rowan is known as a "street rat". He has no home, hangs out with birds, and always hungry. Even though he has a tough attitude and swift escapes, he cares deeply about the world around him. It might be hard to show, but Rowan has his sweet spots.

After his usual spin of stealing bread, he comes down from his building perch with the pigeons to listen to local gossip. Just then, the infamous man known as the Butcher passes by, and the locals share their concern of the duck who may meet his deadly fate with the Butcher soon. This pushes Rowan to "save" the duck, narrowly escaping the hands of the Butcher.

It is not until Rowan realizes that maybe he was wrong about the Butcher when he finds something underneath all those duck feathers... Was he right to believe the rumors? Or did he make someone's life worse than before?

Hello! Hopefully you like the story, after watching it through so many times, there are so many layers I would change, but in a good, constructive way. Maybe different dialogue, better timing, or shot choices here, but overall, I can't believe the amount of work I accomplished with this story.

Coming from a simple question of "What if a boy stole a duck from a butcher?" led to so many endless ways of storytelling and possibilities. I am grateful I pushed myself hard these last 3 weeks to present some fun storyboards and push towards new boundaries. I became a lot faster, looser, and driven throughout this process, and I couldn't have done so without the help of this course. Even if the story doesn't end up making lots of sense, I learned a lot along the way and am thankful for the community that came along with this course. (Also sorry for the bad music choice and sounds effects, not really good at audio, haha.)

Please enjoy "DUCK" and thank you for the support, comments, and this course!

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

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