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Sophia (1 like)

The in-depth nature and dedication to this storyboard REALLY SHOWS!! It was needed as well, I think you had the perfect pacing for it. Congrats on finishing the program!


Aug 23, 2022, 12:31 AM


Kathleen (1 like)

This was an amazing story that I would never want to stop watching in the middle. What a fantastic story spine, structure supported with terrific visuals, and a message about healing taking time, but also risks with people you love.
Thanks for all the work!


Aug 22, 2022, 9:25 PM


Majid (1 like)

I loved your story, your picture-hopping adventure was very unique, but what got my attention the most was the bond between Sarah and Mel! I nearly cried when Mel nearly fell to her death and Sarah yelled that she wasn’t about to lose her in the same way she felt she lost her parents. This felt the most emotional to me!

I also like Glenda; she’s such a fun and eccentric character, and it was really clever for you to present her again in the climax where she saved both Mel and Sarah!

Although your clip was long, it kept me engaged through and through! Amazing work!


Aug 22, 2022, 9:24 PM


Noelle (1 like)

Hi Samantha!!
Congrats on finishing such an incredible story! I really enjoyed how you had that little "introductory" scene before you started your "Once upon a time..."! I believe that it really helped to make your story unique and stand out even further! You have incredible use of music and transitions in your storyboard as well that I really appreciate! Keep up the excellent work!


Aug 22, 2022, 12:44 PM


Colleen (1 like)

What a fun concept of photo hopping and Glinda’s exciting adventure at the end. Initially I was a little confused about her dad being a National Geographic photographer, Sara having his camera and taking up the passion, and the parents passing along with her photography passion. Maybe reordering some elements at the beginning of the story will make it more streamline and help build a stronger emotional connection to the main characters from the get go. I really like the pressure Sara feels when confronted with seeing her parents again. I would love to see something more about why she feels pressure from her parent’s. Did she make a list of future accomplishments with them that has collected dust since their passing? What makes her find balance and acceptance within herself? These are all just suggestions from my own personal experiences and can be taken with a grain of salt haha. Great job and congratulations on your final submission!


Aug 22, 2022, 3:06 AM


Allen (1 like)

Hey Samantha, congratulations on finishing your storyreel! It feels like you've made a lot of changes since your last submission, and I think they are pretty much all for the better. You've done a great job clearing up a lot of the questions I was left with in the previous version. And I really think you did a great job with this new ending. So glad I got to watch this final version!


Aug 21, 2022, 11:08 PM


David (1 like, 1 helpful)

You have a wonderful story of the journey of two sisters who have experience loss with each of them dealing with it in their own way but then are brought back together in unexpected ways through the magic of the imagination. This new journey brings them together as they go through challenges / storms and this shared experience not only brings them together but helps them overcome hurts while bringing healing and growth. I enjoyed your story. While I see how each of the adventures plays a role in preparing them for the next adventure, it seemed to be a bit too much and felt like more than 3 acts. There are several climaxes but then the story keeps going. I love the character growth but I wonder if the story is better suited as a series rather than one movie?

Keep up the good work. Powerful story.


Aug 21, 2022, 4:09 AM


Bernabe (1 like, 1 helpful)

Or I loved the first sequence. And I fully understood where the monsters come from. I also really like the expressions of the characters when they scream and when they walk their dog.
And I liked the ending with the living sister much more.
My only comment is that the intervention of the blonde girl appearing out of nowhere is barely justified, it is a bit of a deus ex machina, it would only be a matter of planting her intervention before.


Aug 19, 2022, 5:07 AM


Ferdinand (1 like)

Hi Samantha, oh wow you really have done A LOT of work!
I liked the adventure that your story took me on, and I hope you will be creating many more stories.


Aug 17, 2022, 4:01 PM

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This experience has truly been an amazing one, and I feel so connected to this story! Thank you for all the feedback, comments and advice you've given as I develop Sara and her adventure!

I hope you love this story as much as I do!


This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:

Samantha Sito



A Moment in Time — by Samantha Sito

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