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It’s the mid 90’s, Iman is a sophomore high school student, and a certified class clown.

He’s living his best life, school is his playground

He didn’t take his study seriously, his grades are below average, and cheats his way through school.

Until one day, he got caught cheating on his test.

Iman and his mother are called in to the principal’s office.
She is none too happy about that.

When they walk out of the office, Iman can see his mom’s face--she’s fuming!

Knowing that, he tries to weasel his way out, making excuses, and downplay the whole thing

"OW!" he said
Mother pinches his ear.

Some of his classmates gasped, some chuckled.
He is so embarrassed and to top it off he almost tear up, but he holds back.

So he tells himself that he is going to get a better grade otherwise his other ear will get pinched or worse.

The next day, his friends teases Iman how he got caught

He plays it cool, but clearly not amused.

During the class, the teacher announces that for this year’s prize, the top 10 students will get a gift certificate for a free pizza.

Iman scoffs bec he doesn’t care and there’s no chance he will get it anyways

For the next few days, Iman participates more in class, asks questions, sits in front of the class.

His grades still sucking.

While his friends horsing around, Iman’s nose stuck in a book

At home, Iman continues his study late into the night, although his mother doesn’t notice.

Slowly and surely his grades are improving

He has a different group of friends now

He’s more confident and begins to love the joy of learning.

The final test day

Iman is having difficulty answering test questions

He looks around

His no-good friends try to give answers by putting a note inside an eraser.

Iman is having a second thought

Finally decides NOT to do it
“sorry man, i’m gonna try to do this by myself”

His friend just shrugged.

The next day the teacher handed the test results individually to students.

Iman is nervous
Once he got the test back
He cannot even look

Won’t you know it?
Not only does he gets a high mark, but he is in rank #3 in the class!

Even he cannot believe himself; flabbergasted

The teacher smiles,
hands Iman the prize: a free pizza gift certificate

Iman rushes home
and told his mother the good news
“Look what I got!” says proudly

Mother is silent for a beat
“Did you cheat?” she says
“No, I swear” Iman replies

Another beat
She continues “I don’t believe you”
and just like that she walks away.

Iman is devastated
He tears the gift certificate.

The next day, just another day at school

The teacher gives rounds

Iman knows the answer to this question,
yet he’s hesitated to answer

The teacher notices him and calls him out

Everyone stares at him.

Iman answers sheepishly

Then the teacher replies, “That's correct…okay next.”

Iman realizes it feels good to learn regardless of what happened.


This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:




Cheating - Final Reel

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