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This is so beautiful, Amy. I love how you capture so much existential emotion with just music and pictures. Wow! I'm curious to see what you discover about life through this...


Aug 23, 2022, 7:18 AM



I love your drawings and like that you hit an emotional tug of how we all try to better ourselves, procrastinate and eat, and feel if is that all there is to this repetitional life. I believe your character meets a disabled person, either deaf, or blind, and sees there is hope because they found a way to enjoy life. Noticing you have to be thankful for what you have now it a good beginning to step forward into gratitude and then help others to get there. I hope I'm not messing with your vision too much. I know you had more and ran out of time like all of us did, but sometimes I can't stop my brain. Thank you for this lovely story.


Aug 23, 2022, 2:47 AM



Hi Amy,

I really like how you used lighting, angles, and repetition to portray your character's slow descent into depression. You did a great job! It is quite a dark ending and seemingly is a tragic ending for the character. I hope that this project has been somewhat cathartic for you and I hope that you find the spark of joy your character was unable to find.


Aug 22, 2022, 5:24 PM


Kristen (1 like)

Awww hon. Depression is a hard thing to deal with. It’s such great and important story to talk about and express because soooo many people today are stuck in this. Storyboarding aside, some things that have helped me personally have been exercise, going to a new place (hiking is great!), trying a new hobby that scares me (kind of helps to zap you out of your depression), finding someone you can really talk to about this, and then finally finding a goal you reallly want and figure out a long term plan to try to go for it. As they say, the journey is more important than the destination. Good lucky to you. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk. Sending you all my good vibes. 🧡


Aug 21, 2022, 8:58 PM



Hey Amy!

This was a nice small way of showing what your experience has been like, it's the small victories and this is certainly one of them. The timing of this little short is very well done and all your drawings help communicate the emotions really well, that is something very hard to do (I struggle with it all the time, my reel is part of those examples) thanks for sharing this little window with us, I hope doing that helps you a bit as well!


Aug 21, 2022, 5:07 PM



Hi Amy
Thank you very much! for sharing your video and the boldness of your statement and the relatability of what we're sometimes all going through. I hope you're doing as well as you might considering whatever circumstances there are.
Your video is nice and actually amazingly compelling; the monotony with increased pace, the sadness, the previous happiness. The shift from polished visuals to rough sketches can be a very strong storytelling tool.
Going into detail, the shot of teddybear old -> new is maybe difficult to discern (even in very polished videos) and I'm glad there's the words to tell it. The playfulness of the following shots is nice, and the music/jumblednarration is interesting.
Again, I really really like your work!


Aug 20, 2022, 8:18 PM



Hi Amy,
This is so relatable story for most of us. We all feel sometimes like this and i can feel what he feels when i watch this short movie.your art and music is so nice. Well done !! :)


Aug 20, 2022, 3:12 PM



I very much enjoyed this short film, you should be very proud of this. It never lost my attention (which short films tend to do), it felt emotionally charged and while short, the pacing was perfect. My film is "theme adjacent" and we used the same montage style at the beginning which I found fun (check it out if you have the time).


Aug 20, 2022, 3:06 PM

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I know I didn't make the minimum time but hopefully this vid helps shed light on both why and where i've been mentally the past few months

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