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Rosie (1 like)

No joke, I used to have a rooster named Nugget before we had to give him away because he was too loud. I wish that my Nugget would have had the same problems as the Nugget in this story so I could keep him! As a chicken lover, this story reel melted my heart and I love it so much. My favorite part of your story reel is actually the drawing because they are so cute and I love that you included both the wattle and the comb on both of the brothers. Keep creating and I wish you all the best!


Aug 26, 2022, 12:50 AM



Hi Rosie, thanks for sharing your story! The name actually comes from a Rooster that we had who was also called Nugget, so it is cool to hear that you had one too - the being too loud part fits to the story haha. Have a good one!


Aug 26, 2022, 2:07 PM


Ivan (1 like)

Your characters are appealing, and your premise have a great hook! Though the story looks simplistic, but I've learned there's no such thing as simple. Bravo!


Aug 23, 2022, 6:15 PM



Hi Ivan, thank you very much for the compliment. Happy to hear!


Aug 23, 2022, 9:19 PM


Huanran (1 like, 1 helpful)

I watched your short first without reading the description, then read it afterwards to check if I understood things right. I think I got confused between the 2 brothers several times, so maybe you can make one brother have a different color line art or something?
I like the idea of Nugget learning to find a solution that doesn't rely on the toy as a crutch. Is there a specific reason it has to be a lion? (at first I thought the toy was a biscuit, oops)
The ending is very sweet and I was wondering if maybe Mannie and Nugget can talk things out, and Mannie teaches Nugget how to use his voice.
Great job! The designs are very cute and overall the story and moral were clear and wrapped up well.


Aug 23, 2022, 6:55 AM



Hey Huanran, thanks for the feedback and compliment. I will definitely try to incorporate your points in the next version! 💪


Aug 23, 2022, 9:20 PM


Mara (1 like)

Congrats on finishing your project!

I feel like the visuals tell the story quite well, they transmit character's emotions well and take us through the action clearly and cleanly. The character design works really well too in showing the differences between Mannie and Nugget. I find the design of the toy itself very charming, and the way you illustrated the roar sound effect worked very well.

The only weak point I feel like is the climax. The resolution between the brothers and how they actually reconcile and put their differences behind them is a little weak. It might help to have a small, quick moment of recognition or understanding from one to the other. Or otherwise any detail you might feel could smooth the transition between rivalry and working together.

I must say, the nugget title sequence is absolutely amazing!

All-in-all, it was a delight to see this project completed, and I wish you all the best in your future projects!


Aug 22, 2022, 5:18 PM



Hii Mara, thank you for your nice words. I understand your feedback point about the climax. When I further develop the story I will try to improve it. Thanks again!


Aug 23, 2022, 9:21 PM


Diederick (1 like)

Hey Jelle,

Congratulations on finishing your animatic! You have developed a simple, yet very effective story. I like that! And your story has also become much clearer visually after adding values to your drawings. Characters, props and backgrounds can be better distinguished from each other, which improves the readability of the complete short.

Story wise, I still have some of the same feedback points that I sent you earlier, but it doesn’t interfere with the overall story greatly. And great to see that you've managed to incorporate other feedback points into your final submission! For example, it’s much clearer now that the object that Nugget picked up, is a speaker toy.

Overall, your story has improved greatly over the weeks, with different decisions you had to make throughout the process. Despite that, you eventually created a compelling story that’s easy to follow, I can’t wait to see it developed even further!


Aug 22, 2022, 11:55 AM


Jelle (1 like)

Hi Diederick, thank you very much for your nice words. It was a great time to work on this story with you and have many brainstorms about it together! 💪


Aug 23, 2022, 9:22 PM


Diederick (1 like)

You're very welcome! And likewise, I had a great time as well brainstorming with you to improve both of our stories! Thank you so much


Aug 23, 2022, 10:02 PM


Bernabe (1 like, 1 helpful)

I think it's a very good job and it's clearer with the coloring work it has.
I still think sound effects would help your work a lot.


Aug 22, 2022, 6:06 AM


Jelle (1 like)

Hi Bernabe, thank you! I am happy to hear that you like it!


Aug 23, 2022, 9:21 PM


Sophia (1 like)

I really enjoyed watching this! I was laughing along and being shocked as I watched it! I think you did an amazing job at visual storytelling and had a great use of colour! Great work!!


Aug 21, 2022, 10:27 PM


Jelle (1 like, 1 helpful)

Merci Sophia, I am glad to hear that you like it. Thanks for the compliments! 💪


Aug 21, 2022, 10:37 PM


Allen (1 like, 1 helpful)

Hi, Jelle! I'm so excited to watch this!

I know this is the final submission for the class, but I still want to provide a bit of feedback in case you decide to continue to work on the project beyond this course. Hopefully the notes are helpful, but as always, feel free to ignore any that don't match your vision. And most importantly, congratulations on finishing your storyreel!

I'm sure you already know this, but I think you'd definitely benefit from adding sound effects to this story, especially since so much of it is about the sounds Nugget and their brother can or can't make.

The opening sequence is definitely clearer this time around. If you get the time, a few frames animating the chickens waking after the brother's crowing would help. You already show the one awake afterward, which definitely helps, but showing two or three frames where they go from asleep to awake would be even better.

The sequence where Nugget and his brother are "crowing" back and forth is so cute! Great work!

I'd love to see you lighten up the images, a bit. I don't think you used white at all in this storyreel and that can make it seem like everything is happening at night.

I love the nugGet typography with the little rooster combs on top of the Gs!

Overall, I think you've done a really great job with this story! There are still a few things I'd personally change, but it's not my story, and it's already really great. Anything beyond that is just a matter of tastes.

Nugget is adorable, the idea is brilliant, and I love the rift between the brothers and then the reconciliation to help each other overcome a bigger problem. It's been so fun to follow along with this story's development. You should be incredibly proud of what you've created here.


Aug 21, 2022, 7:28 PM


Jelle (1 like)

Hi Allen, thanks for taking the time to watch the reel and give feedback. I really appreciate the compliments and comments! I am planning to further develop the story, so I wil definitely take these points with me into the next round. The point about making the frames a bit lighter is a good one, I realize they in fact could be! I will even try to work with gradual lighting as the day progresses (from morning to evening). Thanks again! 😁


Aug 21, 2022, 10:22 PM


Julieta (1 like, 1 helpful)

Hi Jelle, I’m so happy to see your final submission!

From the first moment you introduced us to Nugget, I was hooked on your story! Your character design is amazing, I love Nugget, he is super adorable and I immediately empathize with him.

You are talking about a rooster who would like to have the skills of his brother. I think this is a feeling that many of us have, as a little sister that I am, especially when I was a kid, all I wanted was to be as good as my brother so that he would be proud of me, so I immediately identify with Nugget.

I really like the unconventional way in which he learns that it is not necessary to be like Mannie. We have to learn to enjoy the moment and who we are at each stage of our lives. This is not always easy to remember!

Have you thought about adding some kind of music or sound effects? I think it would help a lot in some scenes, such as the one where he makes the toy jingle.

I have loved being able to see the evolution of your story over the weeks. If you ever need help with another story, let me know! Congratulations on finishing the Xperiential program!


Aug 21, 2022, 3:57 PM


Jelle (1 like, 1 helpful)

Hi Julieta, many thanks for your compliments. I am really happy to hear that you liked it!

About the sound - I have done some experimenting with music and sound, but after comparing it to this version I personally thought the sound would only distract, and therefore had a better feeling to upload it without sound.

Cheers! 🐓


Aug 21, 2022, 6:20 PM


Michael (1 like)

The story is very concise and presents a relatable and universal message about family and working together that comes together very nicely. The artwork is great, especially between Mannie and Nugget, and you do a great job capturing the emotions of their sibling rivalry. The pace is quick, but the story is almost always crystal clear. The crowing competition is so well done and it is a lot of fun. The one scene that was unclear is how and why Nugget and Mannie figure out how to work together. This can be set up more clearly earlier on, because their reconciliation and defeat of the cat just seemed really quick. This is fantastic and you did a wonderful job :)


Aug 21, 2022, 3:11 PM



Hi Michael! Thank you for your comments and compliments, good to hear that you like it! Your feedback point about the 'solution' is clear and I can understand where this is coming from. When I further develop this story I will take this with me into the next round. Thanks again! 😊


Aug 21, 2022, 6:25 PM


Michael (1 like)

No worries. This is such a fun story. It is energetic, warm, and your artwork is just awesome. I wish you the best as you develop this and I know it will be a success!


Aug 21, 2022, 7:00 PM

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"After finding a children's toy that produces lion roars, the voiceless rooster Nugget fakes that he can crow just like his brother."

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Special Thanks:

Jelle Janssen




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