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I like this journey for the character and how he used his last connections you get what he wanted. I like your drawings and I wonder how his relationship with humans overall changed.


Aug 23, 2022, 7:22 AM



Creative! Ice cream over blood any day..:even for vampires!


Aug 22, 2022, 11:50 PM



I love the idea about how a vampire craves ice cream more than blood and the quest he goes on just to get it! It's a very interesting twist on vampire stories, and there's definite potential for comedy in Rufus's quest! The background music at the end got a little loud for me to hear your narration, so I would lower it a little bit, but your visuals overall helped to keep the story clear to me!

I love your title for the story too! Not only does it sound like a funny story, but it also gives me an idea of the challenges that Rufus will encounter to fulfill his goal! Great job!


Aug 22, 2022, 10:23 PM



I like how Rufus chose to drink animal blood in order to avoid harming humans; it gives us a glimpse (ironically) into the humanity of his character.


Aug 22, 2022, 9:36 PM



Wow. This is such a lovely and unique vampire story. I really like how you focus on Arthur and his feelings, instead of him being a vampire. You do such a good job of capturing his sadness and why he stays away from humans. Arthur being an ethical vampire is a great concept.

One thing to clarify is the setup of Arthur linking up with the security guard. Introducing him earlier can create a nice payoff, especially if they don't see eye to eye in the beginning. Also, their relationship moves really fast, so giving them some obstacles might make their friendship more rewarding if they overcome some things. Arthur's big internal challenge is opening up again, so making it as challenging as possible will create an amazing payoff in the end :)

Overall, you did a great job and your spin on vampires is awesome! Great job on the reel :)


Aug 22, 2022, 7:24 PM

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Nobody would think that Rufus was 187 years old from just looking at him, but he was a vampire.
Because of his age, he had to life through two world wars.
Their tendency to solve problems with violence was the reason he came to hate humans
That’s why he choose to move to the countryside.
He even chose to drink animal blood to avoid humans altogether.
There, he liked to watch the stars with his second pet turtle Arthur.
He often read classic English literature to him, but Arthur got even more animated with modern fantasy novels.
Until one night he woke up craving ice cream instead of blood.
The blood moon always gave him weird cravings, so he had to figure out how to get what he wanted.
Since the store was closed, he tried making it himself… but that didn’t turn out so well.
Then he tried breaking into a neighbor’s house where he could smell the ice cream in the freezer… but that wasn’t a good idea either.
Until he finally considered asking a human for help again, remembering his past connections with some of them.
He decided to give it a try and he knew just the person to approach.
He had seen the security guard reading a lot of nights – a hobby right up his alley.
Once he had explained his cravings to the security guard, Kevin, he immediately tried to give Rufus what he wanted.
So finally, Rufus got his ice cream! And he gained a friend as well.

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:




A Bloody Quest for Ice Cream

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