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Here is my story so far. As of right now, my video only contains Act 1 , and there is no audio of any kind. Below this text is my entire story spine though, so that there is a clear idea of what's to follow after Act 1. I'm planning on finishing my animatic, so this video is subject to change, but until then hopefully the visuals will speak for themselves!

Act 1
“Once upon a time”: in a community where people regularly found discarded pennies and immediately got good luck from them, there lived a lonely girl name Misty who experienced the exact opposite; she mysteriously suffered bad luck whenever she found her share of pennies
“Every day”: she would watch other people with Good luck, wishing she could join them, but she was afraid her bad luck would only cause problems and make them reject her, as it had happened to her before
“Until one day”: Misty has a chance encounter with one good-luck individual who discovers goodness in her and decides to help her find out why she has bad luck

Act 2:
“Because of that”: Misty opens up and becomes comfortable with hanging out with her new friend
“Because of that”: Misty and her friend pick up pennies, but Misty mysteriously gets good luck this time
“Because of that”: the friend welcomes Misty to her group of other good luck people, but they recognize and label her as having bad luck, angering Misty
“Because of that”(Low point): Misty spitefully picks up a penny, but gets bad luck again and her friend is injured from it
“Because of that“: Misty runs away, horrified and guilty that she had hurt someone with her bad luck, especially her new friend

Act 3:
“Until finally”: The good luck group gets bad luck themselves; the friend has a sudden realization and rallies the group to find Misty
They find Misty, apologize to her, and the friend explains that their own positive and negative vibes effect the type of luck they receive; This makes both Misty and the group realize that they were no different from each other to begin with
Misty emotionally accepts their apology, she is given a penny, and her renewed positive energy restores the good luck of both her own and that of the good luck group
“And ever since then”: Misty has become truly happy, open, and confident about being accepted into her new group of friends who likewise now see her in a more positive light

Moral: a positive outlook often attracts positive outcomes, while negative one attracts negative outcomes

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:

Majid Ali



Unlucky Penny: Act 1

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